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How to solve a 4x4 Rubik's Cube

PLL & OLL Parity Algorithms

Parity is a speedsolvers nightmare, but what actually is it and why does it occur?

Parity only occurs on 4x4 cubes and up. You cannot get parity on a 2x2 or 3x3 cube due to the nature of the puzzle itself. A 4x4 however, is different, as you have floating centers (apposed to fixed centers). Parity can occur if you put the wrong center piece in the wrong slot. It's hard to describle but on every face on a 4x4 you have 4 center pieces that each have a specific slot they must go in. If you put a center piece in . the wrong slot you have a chance of getting parity during your solve.

You can also download our 4x4 Parity PDF. Once downloaded, you can print our 4x4 Parity PDF and take it with you on the go or just leave it on your desk for when you're not online.

How to solve PLL parity on a 4x4 cube | 4x4 parity algorithms and cases

OLL Parity

On the 4x4 there is only one OLL case which is shown above.
This is when 2 pieces of the last layer are orientated incorrectly. 

How to solve PLL parity on a 4x4 cube | 4x4 parity algorithms and cases

PLL Parity

There are a few PLL parity cases on the 4x4. These are when the last layer is orientated correctly but they are in the incorrect position to solve using the regular 3x3 method.

OLL Parity on the 4x4

4x4x4 OLL Parity Algorithms | KewbzUK


r2 B2 U2 l U2 r' U2 r U2 F2 r F2 l' B2 r2

PLL Parity on the 4x4

4x4x4 PLL Parity Algorithms | KewbzUK


(Uu)2 (Ll)2' U2 l2' U2 (Ll)2' (Uu)2 

4x4x4 PLL Parity Algorithms | KewbzUK


L2 D (Ff)2 (Ll)2 F2 l2 F2 (Ll)2 (Ff)2 D' L2 

4x4x4 PLL Parity Algorithms | KewbzUK


(Uu)2 (Ll)2 U2 l2 U2 (Ll)2 (Uu)2 F' U' F U F R' F2 U F U F' U' F R 

4x4x4 PLL Parity Algorithms | KewbzUK


(Uu)2 (Ll)2 U2 l2 U2 (Ll)2 (Uu)2 R U' L U2 R' U R L' U' L U2 R' U L' U 

Cool 4x4 Patterns

Now you've solved parity on your 4x4 Rubik's Cube you can try some of these cool Rubik's Cube patterns.

Cool 4x4 Rubik's Cube Patterns by KewbzUK